

If you are looking for installation instructions, please refer to Installation.

Kinto is built to be highly configurable. As a result, the related configuration can be verbose, but don’t worry, all configuration flags are listed below.


In order to ease deployment or testing strategies, Kinto reads settings from environment variables, in addition to .ini files.

The environment variables are exactly the same as the settings, but they are capitalised and . are replaced by _.

For example, cliquet.storage_backend is read from environment variable CLIQUET_STORAGE_BACKEND if defined.

All settings are read first from the environment variables, then from application .ini, and finally from internal defaults.

Feature settings

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.batch_max_requests 25 The maximum number of requests that can be sent to the batch endpoint.
cliquet.paginate_by None The maximum number of items to include on a response before enabling pagination. If set to None, no pagination will be used. It is recommended to set-up pagination. If not defined, a collection connot contain more elements than defined by the cliquet.storage_max_fetch_size setting.
cliquet.id_generator The Python dotted location of the generator class that should be used to generate identifiers on a POST on a collection endpoint.
kinto.experimental_collection_schema_validation False Experimental: Allow definition of JSON schema at the collection level, in order to validate submitted records. It is marked as experimental because the API might subjet to changes.


# Limit number of batch operations per request
# cliquet.batch_max_requests = 25

# Force pagination *(recommended)*
# cliquet.paginate_by = 200

# Custom record ID generator class
# cliquet.id_generator =


While there are a number of useful settings to assist in configuring the backend, the most important are {backend_type}_backend and {backend_type}_url, where backend_type is one of “storage”, “permission” or “cache”.

Supported backends are currently PostgreSQL, Redis, and Memory.


Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.storage_backend The Python dotted location of the storage backend to use.
cliquet.storage_max_fetch_size 10000 The maximum number of items that can be returned by one request to the storage backend. If no pagination is enabled, this is the maximum number of items that can be stored in a collection (otherwise some of them won’t be returned). With pagination enabled, this limitation doesn’t apply.
cliquet.storage_pool_size 10 The size of the pool of connections to use for the storage backend.
cliquet.storage_url '' The URL to use to authenticate to the storage backend. e.g. redis://localhost:6378/1 or postgres://user:pass@database/db
cliquet.storage_backend =
cliquet.storage_url = redis://localhost:6379/1

# Safety limit while fetching from storage
# cliquet.storage_max_fetch_size = 10000

# Control number of pooled connections
# cliquet.storage_pool_size = 50


Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.cache_backend cliquet.cache.redis The Python dotted location of the cache backend to use.
cliquet.cache_pool_size 10 The size of the pool of connections to use for the cache backend.
cliquet.cache_url '' The URL to use to authenticate to the cache backend. e.g. redis://localhost:6378/1 or postgres://user:pass@database/db
cliquet.cache_backend = cliquet.cache.redis
cliquet.cache_url = redis://localhost:6379/0

# Control number of pooled connections
# cliquet.storage_pool_size = 50


Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.permission_backend cliquet.permission.redis The Python dotted location of the permission backend to use.
cliquet.permission_url '' The URL to use to authenticate to the permission backend. e.g. redis://localhost:6379/1
cliquet.permission_pool_size 10 The size of the pool of connections to use for the permission backend.
cliquet.permission_backend = cliquet.permission.redis
cliquet.permission_url = redis://localhost:6379/1

# Control number of pooled connections
# cliquet.permission_pool_size = 50

Bypass permissions with configuration

Permissions are usually retrieved from the permission backend. However, it is also possible to configure them from settings, and it will bypass the permission backend.

For example, for a resource named “bucket”, the following setting will enable authenticated people to create bucket records:

cliquet.bucket_create_principals = system.Authenticated

The format of these permission settings is <resource_name>_<permission>_principals = comma,separated,principals.

Scheme, host, and port

By default, Kinto relies on WSGI for underlying details like host, port, or request scheme. Tuning these settings may be necessary when the application runs behind proxies or load balancers, but most implementations (such as uWSGI) provide adequate configuration details.

That said, if ever these items need to be controlled at the application layer, the following settings are available:

# cliquet.http_scheme = https
# cliquet.http_host = production.server:7777

Check the behaviour of the server with the url value returned in the hello view.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.http_host None The HTTP Host used by Kinto to refer to itself. If set to None, the HTTP host is read from HTTP headers.
cliquet.http_scheme None The HTTP scheme used by Kinto to refer to itself. If set to None, the HTTP scheme is read from the HTTP headers.


Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.logging_renderer cliquet.logs.ClassicLogRenderer The Python dotted location of the renderer class that should be used to render the logs to the standard output.
cliquet.statsd_prefix cliquet The prefix to use when sending data to statsd.
cliquet.statsd_url: None The URL to use to connect to the statsd host. e.g. udp://localhost:8125

Logging with Heka

Heka is an open source stream processing software system developed by Mozilla. Heka is a “Swiss Army Knife” type tool for data processing, and is useful for a wide variety of different tasks.

For more information, see

Heka logging format can be enabled using:

cliquet.logging_renderer = cliquet.logs.MozillaHekaRenderer

With the following configuration, all logs are redirected to standard output (See 12factor app):

keys = root

keys = console

keys = heka

level = INFO
handlers = console
formatter = heka

class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stdout,)
level = NOTSET

format = %(message)s

Handling exceptions with Sentry

Requires the raven package.

Sentry logging can be enabled as explained in official documentation.


The application sends an INFO message on startup (mainly for setup check).

Monitoring with StatsD

Requires the statsd package.

StatsD metrics can be enabled (disabled by default):

cliquet.statsd_url = udp://localhost:8125
# cliquet.statsd_prefix = cliquet.project_name

Monitoring with New Relic

Requires the newrelic package.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.newrelic_config None Location of the newrelic configuration file.
cliquet.newrelic_env dev The environment the server runs into

New Relic can be enabled (disabled by default):

cliquet.newrelic_config = /location/of/newrelic.ini
cliquet.newrelic_env = prod


By default, Kinto relies on Basic Auth to authenticate users.

User registration is not necessary. A unique user idenfier will be created for each username:password pair.

Kinto is compatible with Firefox Accounts. To install and configure it refer to their documentation at mozilla-services/cliquet-fxa.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.userid_hmac_secret '' The secret used by the server to derive the shareable user ID. This value should be unique to each instance and kept secret. By default, Kinto doesn’t define a secret for you, and won’t start unless you generate one.
multiauth.policies ["basicauth", ] MultiAuthenticationPolicy is a Pyramid authentication policy that proxies to a stack of other IAuthenticationPolicy objects, in order to provide a combined auth solution from individual pieces. Simply pass it a list of policies that should be tried in order.
multiauth.policy.basicauth.use ('cliquet.authentication. BasicAuthAuthenticationPolicy') Python dotted path to the authentication policy to use for basicauth. By default, any login:password pair will be accepted, meaning that no account creation is required.
multiauth.authorization_policy ('cliquet.authorization. AuthorizationPolicy') Python dotted path the authorisation policy to use for basicAuth.

Since user identification is hashed in storage, a secret key is required in configuration:

# cliquet.userid_hmac_secret = b4c96a8692291d88fe5a97dd91846eb4

Authentication setup

Kinto relies on :github:`pyramid multiauth <mozilla-service/pyramid_multiauth>`_ to initialise authentication.

Therefore, any authentication policy can be specified through configuration.

In the following example, Basic Auth, Persona, and IP Auth are all enabled:

multiauth.policies = basicauth pyramid_persona ipauth

multiauth.policy.ipauth.use = pyramid_ipauth.IPAuthentictionPolicy
multiauth.policy.ipauth.ipaddrs = 192.168.0.*
multiauth.policy.ipauth.userid = LAN-user
multiauth.policy.ipauth.principals = trusted

Permission handling and authorisation mechanisms are specified directly via configuration. This allows for customised solutions ranging from very simple to highly complex.

Basic Auth

basicauth is enabled via multiauth.policies by default.

multiauth.policies = basicauth

By default an internal Basic Auth policy is used.

In order to replace it by another one:

multiauth.policies = basicauth
multiauth.policy.basicauth.use = myproject.authn.BasicAuthPolicy

Custom Authentication

Using the various Pyramid authentication packages, it is possible to plug in any kind of authentication.

Firefox Accounts

Enabling Firefox Accounts consists of including cliquet_fxa in configuration, mentioning fxa among policies, and providing appropriate values for OAuth2 client settings.

See mozilla-services/cliquet-fxa.

Cross Origin requests (CORS)

Kinto supports CORS out of the box. Use the cors_origins setting to change the list of accepted origins.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.cors_origins * This List of CORS origins to support on all endpoints. By default allow all cross origin requests.

Backoff indicators

In order to tell clients to back-off (on heavy load for instance), the following flags can be used. Read more about this at Backoff header on heavy load.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.backoff None The Backoff time to use. If set to None, no backoff flag is sent to the clients. If set, provides the client with a number of seconds during which it should avoid doing unnecessary requests.
cliquet.retry_after_seconds 30 The number of seconds after which the client should issue requests.
# cliquet.backoff = 10
cliquet.retry_after_seconds = 30

Similarly, the end of service date can be specified by using these settings.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.eos None The End of Service Deprecation date. If the date specified is in the future, an alert will be sent to clients. If it’s in the past, the service will be declared as decomissionned. If set to None, no End of Service information will be sent to the client.
cliquet.eos_message None The End of Service message. If set to None, no End of Service message will be sent to the clients.
cliquet.eos_url None The End of Service information URL.
cliquet.eos = 2015-01-22
cliquet.eos_message = "Client is too old"
cliquet.eos_url = http://website/info-shutdown.html

Enabling or disabling endpoints

Specific resource operations can be disabled.

To do so, a setting key must be defined for the disabled resources endpoints:


Where: - endpoint_type is either collection or record; - resource_name is the name of the resource (by default, Cliquet uses

the name of the class);
  • method is the http method (in lower case): For instance put.

For example, to disable the PUT on records for the Mushrooms resource, the following setting should be declared in the .ini file:

# Disable article collection DELETE endpoint
cliquet.collection_article_delete_enabled = false

# Disable mushroom record PATCH endpoint
cliquet.record_mushroom_patch_enabled = false

Activating the flush endpoint

The Flush endpoint is used to flush (completely remove) all data from the database backend. While this can be useful during development, it’s too dangerous to leave on by default, and must therefore be enabled explicitly.

kinto.flush_endpoint_enabled = true

Then, issue a POST request to the /__flush__ endpoint to flush all the data.

Client caching

In addition to per-collection caching, it is possible to add cache control headers for every Kinto object. The client (or cache server or proxy) will use them to cache the collection records for a certain amount of time, in seconds.

The setting can be set for any kind of object (bucket, group, collection, record), and concerns GET requests (GET /buckets, GET /buckets/{}/groups, GET /buckets/{}/collections, GET /buckets/{}/collections/{}/records).

# cliquet.bucket_cache_expires_seconds = 3600
# cliquet.group_cache_expires_seconds = 3600
# cliquet.collection_cache_expires_seconds = 3600
cliquet.record_cache_expires_seconds = 3600

It can also be specified per bucket or collections for records:

cliquet.blog_record_cache_expires_seconds = 30
cliquet.blog_articles_record_cache_expires_seconds = 3600

If set to 0 then the resource becomes uncacheable (no-cache).


In production, Nginx can act as a cache-server using those client cache control headers.

Project information

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.error_info_link issues/ The HTTP link returned when uncaught errors are triggered on the server.
cliquet.project_docs '' The URL where the documentation of the Kinto instance can be found. Will be returned in the hello view.
cliquet.project_name 'kinto' The project name returned in the hello view.
cliquet.project_version '' The version of the project. Will be returned in the hello view. By default, this is the major version of Kinto.
cliquet.version_prefix_redirect_enab led True By default, all endpoints exposed by Kinto are prefixed by a version number. If this flag is enabled, the server will redirect all requests not matching the supported version to the supported one.


cliquet.project_name = project
cliquet.project_docs =
# cliquet.project_version = 1.0

Application profiling

It is possible to profile the application while its running. Graphs of calls will be generated, highlighting the calls taking the most of the time.

This is very useful when trying to find slowness in the application.

Setting name What does it do?
cliquet.profiler_enabled False If enabled, each request will generate an image file with information to profile the application.
cliquet.profiler_dir /tmp The Location where the profiler should output its images.

Update the configuration file with the following values:

cliquet.profiler_enabled = true
cliquet.profiler_dir = /tmp/profiling

Render execution graphs using GraphViz. On debuntu:

sudo apt-get install graphviz
pip install gprof2dot
gprof2dot -f pstats | dot -Tpng -o output.png

Initialization sequence

In order to control what part of Kinto should be run during application startup, or add custom initialization steps from configuration, it is possible to change the initialization_sequence setting.


This is considered an advanced configuration feature and should be used with caution.

cliquet.initialization_sequence = cliquet.initialization.setup_json_serializer